Friday, August 31, 2018

Parent Connection - August 31, 2018

I really enjoyed seeing our hallways full again with an energetic buzz this past Wednesday at our annual Open House.  We are ready to welcome the kids back to school on Tuesday morning.  Student schedules are available on the Parent Portal, and will also be available for students on the first day in their first class of the day.  Our teachers will greet the students on the playground in the morning, and then the students will enter the building at 7:28, head to their lockers first, gather their belongings, then head to the gym for our opening welcome assembly.  Students will then report to their first class of the day.  We are really excited to begin learning more about each of our kids, and starting this year's journey of learning and discovery.

A Mother's Reminder to Her Middle School Child
The activity described at the link below provides a strong visual reminder for everyone about the power of their words.  Check it out below.

Cell Phone Use Policy at School
Cell phones/iPods etc. are a part of our daily life in 2018. At school, these devices have the potential to be a big distraction for any kid, and many of the communication apps have an addictive nature to them.  A recent NPR article shines a light on this issue.  For middle school students, I would recommend that cell phones stay home if possible.  While our policy allows for students to use their devices before school and at lunch, there is so much value to face to face communication and interaction for our students. 

We will utilize technology in class frequently, and if students need a device for any purpose, it will be provided.  Distracting cell phone use in class is a violation of the student handbook, and calls for the device to be turned over to the staff member and submitted to the office.  On a first offense, the student can pick up the device at the end of the day.  For subsequent offenses, the handbooks states that parents will be contacted to come pick up the device at the office.

We are committed to teaching our kids how to engage with electronic devices in the most appropriate manner for use in their daily lives.

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