Sunday, November 3, 2019

Parent Connection November 3rd, 2019

The school year is flying by already as we have reached the end of the 1st Quarter already!  So far, the school year has gotten off to a great start, with high levels of learning happening in the classrooms throughout the school.  Please see the notes below that provide some information to you, so that you can ask your kids about them in the weeks ahead.

Quarter 1 Report Cards
Report cards should be arriving through the mail next weekend or early next week.  Students will be reviewing and reflecting on their progress during the first 9 weeks of the school year.  As always, parents can review the grades on the Parent Portal through Infinite Campus. 

Middle School Assembly
Next Friday (11/15), our students will be participating in an Assembly starting at 2:15.  We will have a couple of Homeroom competitions, drawings, and having some fun.  A teacher or two may get some pie in the face as well.

Pediatric Cancer Fund-Raiser
High School Members of the National Honor Society have organized a fund-raiser that will benefit research for pediatric cancer.  Any amount of money a student brings in to their Homeroom teacher will get them a gold heart that will be posted on a bulletin board in our downstairs hallway.  The Homeroom that raises the most for this good cause will earn an ice cream party.

Cold Weather
As the days have gotten cold in a hurry, a general reminder to make sure your students are dressed for the weather.  There will be times when morning and lunch recess will be outside, so students should dress for the weather.

Cell Phone Reminder
During the school day, students carry around and utilize a school-issued chromebook each day.  There is no need for a student to have a cell phone on them at all.  In a world where we have the ability to engage in some form  of entertainment at all times, we feel that face to face non-online contact is really important for our students.   We encourage parents to have their kids keep cell phones at home.

Early Release Reminder!!
A reminder that on Wednesday (11/27), all students will be dismissed at 1:15 prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

PAD Parent's Club Fund-Raiser Pick Up Information
Fall Fundraiser pickup will be Wednesday, November 6 from 2:30 until 5:30 in the 1-8 gym. Please be sure to pick up your items. If you are unable to pick up your items during this time you must make arrangements for someone to pick them up for you.

Images from School