Friday, December 21, 2018

Parent Connection - December 21, 2018

We would like to wish everyone a safe, enjoyable holiday season.  It seems really hard to believe that we are already very close to the halfway point in the school year.  Our students and teachers have been working very hard.

School resumes on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019.

We appreciate the support each of you give to your children and their success at school.  Below are some resources to check out.

Parent-Teen Connect Resource
During December, many students gather and connect with family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate all that the season brings. And because everyone celebrates differently, it's also a good time to think about and practice the important life skill of perspective takingTime at home and in gatherings can also present new social challenges and different expectations, offering excellent opportunities to learn and connect---  for adolescents and their parents. The parenteenconnect is a great resource for parents to hear from experts who share tips about effective ways to communicate with your adolescent child.

School-Wide Literacy Activity
On Friday, 12/21, all students participated in a school-wide Literacy Activity.  Middle School students were paired up with Elementary students and all read together for a half hour.  Images from the event are included below.

A Note About the Late Bus
As we move forward in the school year, and some new co-curricular activities are about to begin, a reminder about our co-curricular transportation guidelines that are found in our Middle and High School Student Handbooks.

If a student wants to participate in an after school activity, it is the family’s responsibility to make sure the student has transportation home.  If parents choose to utilize the late bus for transportation, it is important to note that parents need to check with the bus company to see if the late route provides transportation to the student’s drop-off location, as the late route may be different than the early route. The late bus routes are not always the same as the Middle/High School routes, and the late bus routes cannot be altered.

Images to Share